Spring Onion

What are Spring Onions?

Spring onions are a variety of the scallion or green onions, i.e. the edible part of the Allium species, having a stronger flavor, with a strong distinctive bite. The roots are fully developed, and of the bulb type and the leaves are hollow in shape, and possess a green color. They are used for a wide variety of recipes such as salads and salsas. It has got plain looks with an intense flavor that surely delights your taste buds with its awesome flavor. It is also known as salad onions, green onions and spring onion scallion.

In general, spring onions are young immature plants harvested very early before the plant grows further big, and its bulb becomes larger. For the same purpose, the crop is planted closely in the field in order to stunt their bulb’s growth.


Onions have been used as a foodstuff since prehistoric times and were cultivated by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. References to spring onions occur in Chinese literature dating back over two thousand years.

Spring onions were grown in Chinese gardens 5000 years ago! Do you know the onion bulb was worshipped as the symbol of the universe by ancient Egyptians? Nutritionally, green onions have a combination of the benefits of onions and greens. From a long time spring onions have been used in Chinese traditional medicines.

How to Grow Egyptian Walking Onions

Egyptian Walking Onions don’t really walk, of course, but if left to naturalize on their own, the tops will gently bend until they touch the ground and the bulbs will take root; walking their way across your garden or yard in successive years. The joy of these unique onions is that they produce tiny onion bulbs right on the top of the plants where you can easily grab a quick onion for your favorite recipe. Left to grow, these little onions provide you with a wonderful supply of onion sets to begin new plants in the spring after you have harvested and eaten the larger onions growing underground.

Spring Onions Nutrition – Nutrients in Spring Onions:-

Spring onions are rich in vitamins including Vitamin C, Vitamin B2 and thiamine. They also contain Vitamin A and Vitamin K. In addition, these are good sources of copper, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, chromium, manganese and fiber. Spring onions are a strong source of flavonoids such as quercetin. A health promoting organic compound allyl propyl disulphide can also is found in spring onions.

Health Benefits of Spring Onions:

With so many health promoting vitamins, minerals and natural compounds, spring onions are bound to be great for the health. Given below are some of the outstanding health benefits of spring onions.

  1. Spring onions are good for cardiovascular health. They lower the oxidation of cholesterol and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
  2. Sulfur compounds in this vegetable help in reducing and controlling blood pressure levels.


  1. Spring onions help to reduce cholesterol levels as well.
  2. The chromium content in spring onions provides health benefits of diabetics. It controls the blood sugar levels and improves glucose tolerance. Allyl propyl disulphide is also very helpful in lowering blood sugar levels.
  3. Anti-bacterial properties in it help to fight against cold and flu.
  4. Anti-bacterial properties also provide relief from digestive discomforts.
  5. Vitamin C in this vegetable boosts the immunity.
  6. Pectin (water-soluble colloidal carbohydrate) in spring onions reduces the chances of developing cancers especially colon cancer.
  7. Quercetin in spring onions provides anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine benefits. It’s a good vegetable for treating arthritis and asthma.
  8. It is a good food for regulating metabolism and keeping macronutrients.
  9. Spring onions are good against eye disease and eye problems.
  10. Allicin in this vegetable is good for the skin as it protects from skin wrinkling.

Eren Export Company introduce brief about spring onions


Spring onions can be used for so much more than just adding to your Peking duck pancakes. When raw or very lightly cooked they impart a wonderfully vibrant yet mild flavor where normal onions would be overpowering. Make some champ by folding chopped spring onions into creamy mashed potatoes – add some grated cheddar if you like – and marvel at how such a simple dish can taste so fantastic. Or combine with ginger to form the soul of a number of classic Chinese and Japanese dishes.








Spring onions are now available throughout the year but the youngest and most tender onions are usually found in spring and early summer